
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Pop-Tart Burgers feat Kara from the Lexington Legends
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Hello, ya little sweet potato casseroles with no pecans! On episode 41 of HINKY, the gang welcomes a guest! We're joined by Kara Shepherd, event coordinator for the Lexington Legends, our local minor league baseball team. We talk about our early Thanksgiving dinners (all small gatherings, of course), how Carrie got to fit in one last dinner inside of a restaurant for the next few weeks, and how Kara had a nice evening around a bonfire. Renee tells about more restaurant closures and some other news in Renee's Reports, and we hear all about the upcoming changes to the Lexington Legends baseball team from Kara. She was even kind enough to provide us with tickets to give away! We try two pumpkin pie-themed snacks for Everybody Tries, and we read your answers to this week's Podcast Question. We round out the episode with what we're thankful for this year, and a HINKY PSA about supporting your local businesses right now, no matter where you live! Wanna score some of these free Legends baseball tickets and hear about an upcoming Christmas charity event? Gotta listen to the episode to find out! Find us on Apple Podcasts, Google Play Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Amazon, and everywhere else fine podcasts are found!
Social Media:
Lexington Legends:
All social media @lexingtonlegends
Hungry in Kentucky: New episodes every other Tuesday
Twitter and IG @hungryinky
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats:
Facebook and IG @bluegrassbourbonandeats
Twitter @bbandeats
Girls Beer Sports: New episodes every Monday
Facebook and IG @girlsbeersports
Twitter @grlsbeersports
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats is also a blog! Read our posts at bbandeats.com

Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Feast Mode!
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Hello, ya little dumplins! On this episode of HINKY, the gang is flying solo in the bourbon room, and we're eating all the carbs. We decide that Renee likes to turn on Feast Mode for the holidays, Carrie has a new slogan for November, and Sara finally gets a win in her fantasy football league! We hear about a new restaurant and lament about missing a big food event here in Lexington. Renee brings us a new segment called Breaking Ranks: Bread Edition, where we rank the complimentary bread from 5 different sit-down restaurants, and we find out your answers to this week's Podcast Question. Plus, after a long hiatus, we dust off the octagon and jump back into the Food Fight Cage Match with one of Sara's least favorite side dishes: mac and cheese. Who wins the fight between local and chain? Gotta listen to find out! Subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Play Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, and everywhere else fine podcasts are found!
Social Media:
Hungry in Kentucky: New episodes every other Tuesday
Twitter and IG @hungryinky
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats:
Facebook and IG @bluegrassbourbonandeats
Twitter @bbandeats
Girls Beer Sports: New episodes every Monday
Facebook and IG @girlsbeersports
Twitter @grlsbeersports
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats is also a blog! Read our posts at bbandeats.com

Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Spooky SZN feat. The Inebriated Baker
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Hello, ya little boo berries! On episode 39 of HINKY, the gang welcomes a return guest! Danielle, aka the Inebriated Baker, is back on the show to get us all liquored up with her boozie cupcakes and to tell us about all the cool stuff she's got planned for the coming months. We try to figure out how #spookyszn became a thing, Danielle and Carrie bond over growing up in the same era, and Danielle shows up to the recording in a rather cozy outfit! Renee hits us with some local news and a Halloween candy bracket (that's totally original and not stolen from the Today show), and we get to be guinea pigs for Danielle's fall line of cupcakes! The Podcast Question has us talking about the worst things people have received in their goodie bags on Halloween, and we issue a HINKY PSA for the upcoming holiday weekend. PLUS: Renee surprises us with a soda that has an ungodly flavor. What did Carrie, in particular, think of it? Gotta listen to find out! Subscribe and rate us 5 stars wherever fine podcasts are found!
Social Media:
The Inebriated Baker:
Facebook and IG @inebriatedbakercertifiedlush
To place an order, call (859) 823-LUSH (5874)
Check out the menu on her website: inebriatedbaker.com
Hungry in Kentucky: New episodes every other Tuesday
Twitter and IG @hungryinky
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats:
Facebook and IG @bluegrassbourbonandeats
Twitter @bbandeats
Girls Beer Sports: New episodes every Monday
Facebook and IG @girlsbeersports
Twitter @grlsbeersports
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats is also a blog! Read our posts at bbandeats.com

Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Picking Pumpkins (and Apples) with Megan from Eckert's Orchard
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Hello, ya little pumpkin heads! On episode 38 of HINKY, the gang takes the show on the road to Versailles, KY to visit our new friend Megan from Eckert's Orchard! We learn about the different varieties of apples and pumpkins, Carrie regales us with a harrowing tale in regards to her soundboard, and Sara and Renee both go to The Cheesecake Factory (just not with each other). Renee lets us know about some fun, socially-distant activities happening this month, and Megan provides us with some delicious treats for America's favorite segment, Everybody Tries. We read all your answers to this week's Podcast Question, and Sara reads us some fun Pumpkin facts in a segment we like to call, David S Pumpkins Pumpkin Patch Facts...I think. What was the most popular answer to the Podcast Question? Download this episode to find out! You can find us wherever fine podcasts are found!
Social Media:
Hungry in Kentucky: New episodes every other Tuesday
Twitter and IG @hungryinky
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats:
Facebook and IG @bluegrassbourbonandeats
Twitter @bbandeats
Girls Beer Sports: New episodes every Monday
Facebook and IG @girlsbeersports
Twitter @grlsbeersports
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats is also a blog! Read our posts at bbandeats.com

Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Finally Getting Tongued feat. The Brewer's Daughters
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Hello ya little Pillsbury cookies! On episode 37 of HINKY, we welcome guests! Katy and Kelsey aka The Brewer's Daughters join us in Fort Lewis studios for a fun-filled episode with all kinds of topics! We cover the burgers that were eaten for Lexington Burger Week 2020, a weekend getaway to Charlotte, and Carrie finally found some tongue tacos! We get to hear the story behind The Brewer's Daughters Instagram and how their father got his start in the brewing industry, and we have a very lively conversation about all the different kinds of beer! We try some pumpkin and cream cheese Pillsbury cookies for Everybody Tries, and horror movies take center stage for our Podcast Question. There's also a tie-in with horror movies and food, plus so much more! Who likes scary movies and who doesn't? Gotta listen to find out! We had such a fun time this week, if you want to hear more fun episodes you can subscribe to our show wherever you fine podcasts are found!
"8 of the Best Horror Movie Food Moments":
Social Media:
The Brewer's Daughters:
IG: @thebrewersdaughters
Twitter: @realkatmat56 @itskmatt
Hungry in Kentucky: New episodes every other Tuesday
Twitter and IG @hungryinky
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats:
Facebook and IG @bluegrassbourbonandeats
Twitter @bbandeats
Girls Beer Sports: New episodes every Monday
Facebook and IG @girlsbeersports
Twitter @grlsbeersports
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats is also a blog! Read our posts at bbandeats.com

Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Sara is a Basic B
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Hello, ya little maple leaves! On episode 36 of HINKY, it's just us chickens in the bourbon room and we have lots of stuff to talk about. This is our first show after Labor Day so we dubbed this our Fall episode, and there's plenty of talk about (seemingly) everyone's favorite season. Carrie talks about her interview with Faces of Lexington and being carded at a local restaurant, Sara won Fantasy Football week 1 and is MAYBE a baseball fan (?), and Renee checked out the latest installment of the Bluegrass Creative Market. Another restaurant in town is closing and other stories appear in Renee's Reports, Everybody Tries features a seasonal Oreo, and we answer this week's Podcast Question about your (and our) favorite things about Fall. We highlight a local restaurant in a yet-to-be-named new segment and is this the 3rd time in 4 meals that Sara has had Mexican food? Gotta listen to find out! This, and much more, can be found wherever fine podcasts are found.
Social Media:
Hungry in Kentucky: New episodes every other Tuesday
Twitter and IG @hungryinky
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats:
Facebook and IG @bluegrassbourbonandeats
Twitter @bbandeats
Girls Beer Sports: New episodes every Monday
Facebook and IG @girlsbeersports
Twitter @grlsbeersports
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats is also a blog! Read our posts at bbandeats.com

Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Hello, ya little horseys! On episode 35 of HINKY, the gang welcomes not 1, not 2…but 3 guests! Miranda of Sass in the Bluegrass, Hope of Lippestick and Lattes, and Melissa of Legacy Fit Lex all came to visit us in Fort Lewis studios and we had such a great time! Melissa kindly brought us some of her popular Wildcat Refresher energy tea and some Baja Blast to taste for comparison. Miranda talks to us about moving to Kentucky without knowing anyone here and starting her own blog and marketing business. Hope tells us all about her YouTube channel where she shares makeup, fashion, and lifestyle tips, and she also has a blog where she shares healthy recipes. We pick our horses for the upcoming Kentucky Derby, talk about our fave local foods from Kentucky, and we have some Lay’s Flavor Icon chips in America’s favorite segment, Everybody Tries. What do we think of the tea and chips? Give us a listen to find out! Download episodes and subscribe to us wherever fine podcasts are found!
Social Media:
Miranda: IG @sassinthebluegrass
Hope: IG @lippestickandlattes
Melissa: IG @legacyfitlex
Hungry in Kentucky: New episodes every other Tuesday
Twitter and IG @hungryinky
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats:
Facebook and IG @bluegrassbourbonandeats
Twitter @bbandeats
Girls Beer Sports: New episodes every Monday
Facebook and IG @girlsbeersports
Twitter @grlsbeersports
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats is also a blog! Read our posts at bbandeats.com

Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
The Pasta Guys feat. Lesme and Drew from Pasta Garage
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Hello, ya little raviolis! This week, the gang hits the road once again as we make our way over to Pasta Garage here in Lexington. Owner Lesme and Catering/Event Coordinator Drew were kind enough to give us a tour of the facility and talk with us about their pasta company/restaurant/incubator kitchen. It's such an awesome story, y'all are gonna love it! Renee and Sara recap their trip to the grand opening of the new Alfalfa's restaurant, Sara gets excited about watching tennis, and Renee shares some news from around Central Kentucky. We discuss our favorite pasta dishes, as well as your favorites from social media, and Renee hosts her own local version of $10,000 Pyramind. Who wins? You've gotta tune in 'til the end to find out! Thanks again to Lesme and Drew for their hospitality, we had a great time! You can hear this and all our other episodes by subscribing wherever fine podcasts are found.

Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Going Off Trail feat. Joe from Red River Underground
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Hello, ya little trail mixes! On episode 33 of HINKY, the gang welcomes a guest! Joe, Renee's brother, comes on to talk about his YouTube hiking channel and his favorite local restaurants around Red River Gorge. We talk about Renee and Sara's weekend adventure to Georgetown, Sara's new car, and Sara's appearance on GBS. We talk to Joe about his hiking videos, which can be found on YouTube by searching redriverunderground, and he ranks the 5 restaurants near the gorge from first to last. We hear about some food news in Renee's Reports, and Everybody Tries has us eating some big ol' cookies from Fat and Weird cookies. This week's podcast question has us thinking about our go-to adventure snacks, and the Food Fight Cage Match undergoes a last-minute lineup change that probably worked out for the better, to be honest! You can hear all this and more by subscribing to the podcast wherever fine podcasts are found!
Social Media:
Find Joe and his friends on YouTube by searching redriverunderground
Hungry in Kentucky: New episodes every other Tuesday
Twitter and IG @hungryinky
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats:
Facebook and IG @bluegrassbourbonandeats
Twitter @bbandeats
Girls Beer Sports: New episodes every Monday
Facebook and IG @girlsbeersports
Twitter @grlsbeersports
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats is also a blog! Read our posts at bbandeats.com

Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Cookies and Beer at Mr. Brew's Taphouse
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Hello, ya lemonades! On episode 32 of HINKY, we're doing another remote! That's two weeks in a row now, if anyone's keeping count. We spent the afternoon at Mr. Brew's Taphouse with Nate, the owner of Mr. Brew's, and the one-and-only Lauren from Girls Beer Sports! We spent quite a bit of time reminiscing about college life in what was affectionately titled "dorm talk" and we got to talk to Nate about how Mr. Brew's made its way from Wisconsin to Kentucky. We also did a beer pairing featuring Girl Scout cookies, and we discussed your answers to this week's social media question. No cage match this time, but fear not: it will be returning next episode for sure! Thanks again to Nate and Lauren for coming on with us, you guys rock! Be sure to follow us online and subscribe/download wherever fine podcasts are found!
Social Media:
Hungry in Kentucky: New episodes every other Tuesday
Twitter and IG @hungryinky
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats:
Facebook and IG @bluegrassbourbonandeats
Twitter @bbandeats
Girls Beer Sports: New episodes every Monday
Facebook and IG @girlsbeersports
Twitter @grlsbeersports
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats is also a blog! Read our posts at bbandeats.com