
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
That's What She Said
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Hello, ya little bottle caps! In this episode of HINKY, we welcome guest Samantha to the show to discuss soda (or pop or Coke or whatever you like to call it)! We talk about the closure of a new local restaurant, getting to (finally) check out a brewery near and dear to Carrie's heart, and Nathan tells us about his bourbon of the week. Plus we settle an age-old question with the help of social media, talk about the cultural impact of soda, and try out a popular treat that Sara has never heard of somehow. Renee has some great events for you all to check out this month and we try to coax Samantha into trying out for Lexington's Thriller parade, plus a bunch of other stuff that you'll just have to listen to find out about! Subscribe to hear past episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play Music, and Podbean!
Social Media:
Hungry in Kentucky: new episodes every other Tuesday
Instagram and Twitter @hungryinky
The Bearded Bourbonaire:
Facebook and Instagram @thebeardedbourbonaire
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats:
Facebook and Instagram @bluegrassbourbonandeats
Twitter @bbandeats
Girls Beer Sports: new episodes every Monday wherever you find podcasts
Facebook and Instagram @girlsbeersports
Twitter @grlsbeersports
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats is also a blog! You can read our posts at bbandeats.com

Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Hello, ya little chicken wings! In this episode of HINKY, the gang celebrates 10 episodes by having a chicken-filled extravaganza! We discuss Sara and Renee's trip to the World Chicken Festival in London, KY, and fried chicken throws down in the Food Fight Cage Match with KFC taking on a beloved-yet-unlikely competitor...guess you'll have to listen to find out the identity of this mysterious fighter! We also hear about Nathan's first full shift as a beertender, and we get way into fall festivals all across Kentucky, which definitely prompted the title of this episode. There's a mention of UK football as well, but Carrie doesn't exactly remember watching the game so we kind of just gloss over that forgettable Saturday night. Hear what we think about a new Oktoberfest selection from a local brewery and whether Carrie likes the new Natty Light seltzer at the end of this wild episode, and subscribe to hear past episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play Music, and Podbean!
Social Media:
Hungry in Kentucky:
Instagram and Twitter @hungryinky
The Bearded Bourbonaire:
Facebook and Instagram @ thebeardedbourbonaire
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats:
Facebook and Instagram @bluegrassbourbonandeats
Twitter @bbandeats
Girls Beer Sports: new episodes every Monday wherever you find podcasts
Facebook and Instagram @girlsbeersports
Twitter @grlsbeersports
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats is also a blog! You can read our posts at bbandeats.com

Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Praise Be to Fall, Y'all
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Hello, my little pumpkin spice lattes! On this episode of HINKY, the gang celebrates the beginning of the fall season by covering Carrie's podcast table in tons of snacks that may or may not actually be fall flavors. Sara and Nathan try to shoe-horn some Letterkenny talk into the podcast to mixed results, while the women of the table are upset about the outcome of the latest Kentucky football game. We also talk about your favorite fall foods and drinks, and Renee makes us play a drinking game that could be dangerous if you're drinking the wrong type of alcohol. Subscribe to hear past episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, and Podbean, and let us know what you think!
Social Media:
Hungry in Kentucky:
Instagram and Twitter @hungryinky
The Bearded Bourbonaire:
Facebook and Instagram @thebeardedbourbonaire
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats:
Facebook and Instagram @bluegrassbourbonandeats
Twitter @bbandeats
Girls Beer Sports: new episodes every Monday wherever you find podcasts
Facebook and Instagram @girlsbeersports
Twitter @grlsbeersports
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats is also a blog! You can read our posts at bbandeats.com

Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Ginger Me Timbers!
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Hello, my little tortilla chips! On this episode of HINKY, the OG crew and super-producer Carrie catch up on all kinds of things from the past couple of weeks, including some UK football and the very hot-button topic of being part of the north side of Commonwealth Stadium #notmykrogerfield. We also talk about beertending, making your own wedding wine, and we read the insane amount of tailgate foods that you guys like to eat. Thanks again to everyone who participated in our questionnaire, we appreciate it very much! We also throw chips and queso into the Food Fight Cage Match, and Renee has some fun events for you all to check out this month! Subscribe to hear past episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play Music, and Podbean, and let us know what you think!
Social Media:
The Bearded Bourbonaire: FB/IG @thebeardedbourbonaire
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats: FB/IG @bluegrassbourbonandeats and Twitter @bbandeats
HINKY: IG/Twitter @hungryinky
Girls Beer Sports: FB/IG @girlsbeersports and Twitter @grlsbeersports
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats is also a blog! You can read our posts at bbandeats.com

Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Carnie Drippins
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Hello, my little funnel cakes! On this episode of Hungry in Kentucky, we have guests! We were unfortunately without Renee this time, but we made up for her absence by having on two of our favorite coworkers, Desiree and Aaron! There's A LOT of talk about fair foods, and Nathan and Aaron give us a lesson on how to jump into the bourbon game. We also hear about Carrie's wild Saturday night, which ended on top of Manchester Music Hall, and Sara changes the words to a popular rock song #clawlife! The Food Fight Cage Match involved some birthday-themed cupcakes in honor of Carrie's birthday, and it may have been the closest match yet! So pitter-patter get at 'er and subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play Music, and Podbean to hear past episodes, and to get new episodes as soon as they drop!
Follow us on social media!
@hungryinky on Twitter and Instagram
@thebeardedbourbonaire on Facebook and Instagram
@bluegrassbourbonandeats on Facebook and Instagram
@bbandeats on Twitter
Email us at hungryinky@gmail.com
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats is also a blog! You can read our posts at bbandeats.com

Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Milk, Milk, Lemonade...
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Hello there, my little ice cream sandwiches! On this episode of Hungry in Kentucky, we have the OG crew again with an appearance from our fearless producer, Carrie, and we kind of just shoot the bull as we've been some busy little beavers the past couple of weeks. We talk about a new taco place, baby Saz, guilty food pleasures, a heated discussion about hot fudge brownies, absolute domination in the food fight cage match, and so much more! Subscribe to hear past episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play Music, and Podbean, and let us know what you think!
Social Media:
The Bearded Bourbonaire: Facebook and Instagram @thebeardedbourbonaire
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats: Facebook and Instagram @bluegrassbourbonandeats
Twitter @bbandeats
HINKY: Twitter and Instagram @hungryinky
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats is also a blog! You can read our posts at bbandeats.com

Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Protons and Carcobydrates
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Hello there, rainbow sprinkles! In episode 5 of Hungry in Kentucky we welcome Beth Richardson from Spotz Gelato to the Fort Lewis Studios! Tune in to hear a fun interview about Spotz and gelato in general, plus we talk about a couple of new local Lexington restaurants and things go sideways pretty quickly...hence the name of the episode! There's also a lively debate about chocolate sauce on ice cream, and we ring the bell on another Food Fight Cage Match featuring boneless wings from KSBar and Buffalo Wild Wings. All this and more awaits you with this episode, so please rate, review, and subscribe to get in on all the action!
Follow us on social media!
Hungry in Kentucky: Twitter and Instagram @hungryinky
The Bearded Bourbonaire: Facebook and Instagram @thebeardedbourbonaire
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats:
Facebook and Instagram @bluegrassbourbonandeats
Twitter @bbandeats
Thanks for listening foodies, and as always...STAY HUNGRY KENTUCKY!

Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Louie's Secret Sauce
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Hello there, foodies! In episode 4 of Hungry in Kentucky we get back to the basics with the OG crew of Sara, Nathan, and Renee and this week's theme is summertime cookouts. We talk about your favorite cookout foods, discuss which of the #lexburgerweek burgers we've tried so far, throw a couple of turkey burgers in the Food Fight Cage Match, and so much more! Rate, review, and subscribe to hear all of our previous episodes and to get new episodes as soon as they're available!
Follow us on social media!
Hungry in Kentucky: Twitter and Instagram @hungryinky
The Bearded Bourbonaire: Facebook and Instagram @thebeardedbourbonaire
Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats: Facebook and Instagram @bluegrassbourbonandeats and Twitter @bbandeats
Thanks for listening foodies, and as always...STAY HUNGRY KENTUCKY!

Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
Chicken Salad is Not a Condiment
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
Hey there ya little foodies! On Episode 3 of Hungry in Kentucky, we have our first guests! Our friend Desiree sits in for Nathan and our lovely producer Carrie from Girls Beer Sports jumps in to talk about a whole variety of topics! We talk about our weekends, what local stuff we're into lately, a new BB&Eats blog post, and condiment talk! Plus we get to hear about what kinds of foods Desiree enjoys, and we pit local fries vs chain fries against each other in this week's Food Fight Catch Match! Desiree also uses her dulcet tones to tell us about some local events happening in both Lexington and Louisville over the next couple of weeks, and so much more! Give us a listen, and don't forget to subscribe! You can now follow all things Hungry in Kentucky on Twitter and Instagram @hungryinky and follow the blog @bluegrassbourbonandeats (@bbandeats on Twitter)! You can follow Desiree on Instagram @amazon_goddess7, Nathan on Facebook and Instagram @thebeardedbourbonaire, and Carrie on Twitter @grlsbeersports! And as always, STAY HUNGRY KY!

Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Skin On is My Favorite
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Hey y'all! This is the second ever episode of Hungry in Kentucky, and it's already gone off the rails. We talk about brunch, food festival travels, bourbon tasting, Instagram giveaways, weird food habits that sparked a ridiculous dialogue about our own gross ways, plus so much more. There's also BBQ in the Food Fight Cage Match this week, and we learn about some local events happening this month as well. Tune in and subscribe to get episodes as soon as they drop! Find us on Instagram @bluegrassbouronandeats and @thebeardedbourbonaire, Facebook at Bluegrass Bourbon and Eats and The Bearded Bourbonaire, and Twitter @bbandeats. And read our blog at bbandeats.com!